The short series ‘limbs’ fetches its ethos from my descry over enlarged /eccentric /distorted body parts of various specimens.Wearers wear them in extension of their own limbs; the wearability makes the extension possible.
meandering over the craziest, diversified, unique forms I came across their bizarre and special functions.
Just like some ‘legs’ that can smell and breathe ! Some have pseudo limbs just for show. Some ‘Antennae’ allow insects to sense odor ,tastes , temperature, humidity, pressure, touch etc ; A few insects have auditory /hearing organs on their antenna! they also potentially sense themselves in space!
Apart from cutting , tearing, crushing, or masticate , Some mouth parts which have adapted the role of defense where jaws act like extension of hands!
These eccentric pieces invite the wearer to embrace them like shields and armours serving an altered perception to one’s own limbs and provide an opportunity to extend one’s own senses wishfully!